Here's my entry:
Basically, the reason why i look up to (and slightly obsess over, sometimes) Luna, is because she is perfect. Luna is everything I ever wanted to be. She is confident enough to be herself but not too confident to think she is better than everyone else. She wears what she feels is her, no matter what anyone else thinks. Luna is able to see past what people tell her. She manages to see the good in people, and she doesn’t hate anyone.
I have always been considered a little odd. I used to dress differently to others and I didn’t really know much about who I was. Yes, I dressed differently, but most of the time I was just trying to be someone else. Say, I’d look up to someone from a book or a film, and I’d want to be like them. So I’d dress like them and act like them and just want to be them. I found it hard to actually be myself because I didn’t really know who I was.
Then, I found Luna. And yes, for a while I did copy her in a lot of ways because she was so inspiring to me that I did want to be just like her. But what Luna taught me was that it didn’t matter if I felt a little lost about myself and who I was, because we all find ourselves sooner or later. I found myself because of Luna. And I’m able to be myself and get told by people that they even think I’m cool. Which is something I never thought I'd hear. Because of Luna, I’m able to be myself, yet at the same time be inspired by her.
So, that is why I love Luna Lovegood so much.
Pictures of the cork charm:
What do you think?
I adore it! I love how pretty it is, it's the most beautiful shades of blue and I can't stop wearing it!
Also, I feel so proud to have won something as amazing and meaningful as this!
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee =D
Aww, I love it!