
Although we're apart, you're part of my heart ♡

Last night, I took a couple of photographs for my Photography class. My chosen theme is Fairytales, so this involved me going to a forest-type place near my house dressed in my mother's wedding tiara, and I'm pretty happy about how my photos turned out! Here's a few of my favourites;

So, anyway, yes, I thought I'd share those x)

Today my outfit was inspired by witches and autumn teen witch vibes.
My mother gave me her old ankle length black velvet dress, which i'm kind of in love with. It's so so pretty, I wore it to college and got a bunch of compliments from friends, but I did feel a little naked. It's quite grown up and feels like it clings to my tummy sometimes (but the dress is super baggy, so this is just me being super self concious)

It's originally from BHS :-)

I know this photo doesn't do it justice but hey, it's the best I can do.

This shows more of the velvet ^
It's quite a horrible feeling when you brush crumbs off yourself or whatever, but that's what happens with velvet! Deal with it, Sami!

 Have a picture Gianne took of me today, I was pretending to be the monster from Pan's Labrynth.
I'm just wearing a bunch of bracelets, the two Hinduism ones are from Accessorize and my flower headband is from a shop in Glastonbury.

Hope you enjoyed this outfit :-)

1 comment:

  1. Love the crown, if I could wear a crown as everyday wear I would. And god, that creature in Pan's Labyrinth freaks me out so much. So creepy. To be honest Pan is a bit sinister himself!

    E x
