
I'm losing my marbles, it's marvelous.

I hope you're all well :)
I just wanted to do a blog post because yesterday (Sunday) i went to a Christmas Market (In Winchester, I recommend going if you can, they're JUST like the ones in Belgium!)
It rained loads so I didn't take any pictures (Wish I did!) But here's what I managed to get my parents to buy me! (My shoes were falling apart so they gave in)


I love them!
When I first tried them on in Primark, I thought the soles would be too hard and I'd need to get new ones to put in (which wouldn't have been a problem anyway). But when I wore them to College today, without soles, I found they were really comfy! So, they were from Primark (Winchester has a much better Primark than we do here.) and they were £15. I honestly love them to bits. I feel like Peter Pan wearing them :') <3

Oh, and also, here's some pictures of my freshly dyed pink hair. :)

Oh and also at the Christmas Markets, my mum got me this headband! They were only £3 each or 2 for £5, so I got 2. One is blue (the one I took pictures of) and the other is purple.

They're magical. And go quite nicely with my new hair.

They have a website: www.Poppydaisy.com

Yeah. They're just really cute and work well with any outfit (:
And such a good deal for money if you don't have much to spend! :)
I'm going to try and make a couple (with the help of Rookie) after Christmas or something :) I just need a glue gun and some fake flowers...

ALSO! I asked my dad if he had any jumpers he didn't want anymore and he gave me THIS!:

I love it so much :')
Guys jumpers (I keep wanting to write 'sweaters' oops) are amazing. Yup.

Here's the hair dye I used and a Christmassy photo of me to get you feeling festive! :')
(It's called Flamingo Pink) :) It's amazing how much dye you get with just a tiny bottle. I've used this about 3 times and I still have some left!


Until next time, <3



  1. Luv Luv Lovelyyy !
    Cupcake Fairies soon <3
    But you're the Pink Queen :D ♥

  2. Ooh, those boots are lovely!
    I am so jealous of your pink hair <3 It looks wonderful!
    The only colour I'm allowed to dye mine is auburn, which is alright, but I would really like to have blue hair! Perhaps in the summer I shall dye it blue.... :3

  3. Also, I mentioned you on my blog :3
